Training Academy


As a registered and accredited training provider, we cater to all your Sports, Health, Fitness Social interactive learning, and Educational needs. We have over 20 years of experience in delivering and assessing these types of courses with a high success rate.

We offer foundation and level 1,2,3 courses depending on your individual needs. We cover both standard and bespoke training in order to meet the training needs of everyone coming onto our programmes.


Pricing for schools per day
for two coaches is as follows:

Program Price
PPA Cover
£38 per Hour
Peer Mentoring
After-School Club
£38 per Hour
Lunchtime Club
£38 per Hour
Workshops (Gangs)
£520 per workshop
Workshops (Internet Safety)
£520 per workshop
Intervention Courses (Course 1 Attendance)
£520 per workshop
Intervention Courses (Course 2 Behaviour Management)
£520 per workshop
Contact Us

Join us today and provide your students with the physical education and general well-being support they deserve.

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